

After researching into the indie genre it was clear, even after looking just a few videos, that most indie videos  either contained the band or artist singing and playing instruments, usually acoustic guitars. As a performance is a big part of indie music videos, and music videos in general, we have decided that we want to include a performance from the artist not only to follow the indie conventions but to make the music video more personal to the target audience.

The music video to Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons is a perfect example of use of performing with instruments within their video. The song itself is classed as a indie/acoustic/country which is reflected through he use of instruments and locations. Throughout there is a lot of emphasis on the instruments being played by the use of close ups and in some cases extreme close ups. The video ends on a long shot of the surroundings and settings we were only shown close ups of which essentially summarises what we have just watched. They have only used performance in this video, no illustrative or narrative structures, however it was still interesting to watch because of the use of lights and singing.