Filming schedule.. We have decided that we are going to film on Thursday the 28th of June (tomorrow) and we're going to film in the sunset instead of the sunrise because of the practicability of the times.
Locations.. We will be filming at two field/forest locations that are located around Finchingfield.
Prop list.. The props needed for this remake are a bucket, bubbles, a sack, spade.
Equipment list.. We need a camera, hopefully an underwater camera and a tripod.
Actors.. There is one person in the first minute, and that's Ben Howard, who will be played by the only male member of our group, Jack Willson.
Costumes.. Jack will be wearing a purple t-shirt and dark jeans.
Weather report.. We have checked the weather report and the weather is meant to be sunny with some chances of rain and the sun set is at 9:30.
Shot list.. In order to get the shots we need, we have printed off print screens of the shots and put them in order, wrote down the timings of each and then put labels to what props are needed where and what type of shots they are.